Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sun Spot

Like most folks, my family faced our share of challenges during the months of pandemic related shutdowns. One of those was having to say goodbye to our dog, who had been a part of our family for fifteen years. That's something that is never easy, even when you know it's the best thing for your loyal friend. After waiting several months, we have welcomed a new four-legged member of our family, who we found through RezDawg Rescue. Throughout the Denver area, there are many great organizations for adopting pets, including the Denver Municipal Animal Shelter. Paying a visit to their South Platte Campus has the added treat of experiencing a giant piece of art called Sun Spot.

Created by artists Laura Haddad and Tom Drugan, Sun Spot is a 25-foot tall sculpture of a dog. What breed, you may ask. Well, it's meant to be a composite of several varieties of man's best friend. Sun Spot is an appropriate name, as the piece shines in the sunlight due to being composed of over 90,000 stainless-steel dog tags.

Sun Spot sits in the southeast corner of the property, looking toward downtown Denver. He can be spotted from the Platte River Trail and southbound Interstate 25 (more so in the winter when the trees aren't full). Pay the big fella a visit at 1241 W Bayaud Ave in Denver, and maybe pick up a new friend while you're at it.

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